Alistair McConnachie
May 16, 20225 min read
Scottish Nationalists and Optical Illusions
Here's how the marching wing of the SNP benefits from the 'Long Focal Length' Camera Lens

Alistair McConnachie
May 15, 20227 min read
Fantasy Figures Exposed: All the Nationalist Marches to Date
We list the true numbers present on all the Scottish nationalist marches to date.

Alistair McConnachie
Sep 3, 20202 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 7: "If Scotland was already Independent, why would it Join the Union"
If Scotland was already independent we would want to re-create the UK for all the reasons that it's a good thing right now

Alistair McConnachie
Aug 24, 20203 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 6: "The Decision is for Scotland alone"
The 6th in our series debunking common Scottish nationalist myths. We say that keeping Britain together is a matter for us all throughout th

Alistair McConnachie
Aug 6, 20205 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 5: "Westminster Can't Deny us a Second Referendum"
Yes the British Parliament can, because Scots gave it a fundamental Mandate for Unity when we took part in the 2019 General Election.

Alistair McConnachie
May 15, 20205 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 4: "Westminster has No Mandate"
Continuing our series debunking SNP and Scot Nat nonsense. Here, the notion that the British Parliament and PM has "no mandate".

Alistair McConnachie
May 14, 20203 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 3: The "Why can't Scotland..." Themes
Continuing our debunking of the SNP and ScotNat questions and claims which are repeated and directed daily at Unionists

Alistair McConnachie
Mar 27, 20204 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 2: The SNP's "Scots are Inferior" Themes
It's important to recognise the SNP's Inferiority Themes because they have the effect of encouraging hatred against others in our Br

Alistair McConnachie
Mar 19, 20203 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths 1: "Scotland gets what England wants"
Parliament does not vote on England v Scotland lines, or England v the rest of the UK lines. It never does. It votes on Party and Ideologica

Alistair McConnachie
Dec 20, 20198 min read
Debunking Separatist Myths: An Introduction
The SNP's Talking Points lead the Scottish media, and national debate, by the nose. We show you how to turn them around and win the deba