Alistair McConnachie
Apr 18, 20214 min read
How You Can Help A Force For Good
Here's 12 ways you can help AFFG stand up for the United Kingdom!

Alistair McConnachie
Mar 16, 20216 min read
Humza Says You've Had a Bit Too Much to Think (Part 1)
Our Report from A Force For Good's Activism outside Holyrood on Wednesday 10 March 2021

AFFG Reporter
Jul 6, 20194 min read
2,672 at Ayr AUOB March, 6-7-19
We're British, we love the UK and we want to stay together. That's what AFFG told the SNP-supporters march in Ayr. Our official coun

AFFG Reporter
Jul 6, 20191 min read
AFFG Stands for Union in Ayr
The ScotNats were marching for "independence" in Ayr this afternoon, but A Force For Good was there to remind them that Scotland said No...

AFFG Reporter
Jun 15, 20194 min read
1,757 at Oban AUOB March, 15-6-19
A Force For Good stood up for the United Kingdom as the SNP/ScotNat march passed us in Oban today. Our official count is now in!

Jun 6, 20196 min read
A Force For Good: Activist Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct for A Force For Good (AFFG) was first published on 2 May 2018. It has been updated and published below on 6 June 2019.

AFFG Reporter
May 4, 20191 min read
George Square: We Stood up to the Nationalists
Our brave volunteers stood up for Scotland's Silent Unionist Majority today in George Square. While the nationalist marchers walked by,...

AFFG Reporter
Mar 6, 20191 min read
2018 A Year of Taking on the Nats, in Highlights!
We'll be standing up for the Union at 10 SNP/ScotNat Marches this year. If you want to join our Thin Red Line then ensure you stay in co

Alistair McConnachie
Feb 21, 20196 min read
Each of Us: Making a Unionist Difference
The final in our series "12 Ways to Strengthen the Union"; things we can do as individuals to keep Britain together.