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AFFG Reporter

AFFG Stands for Union in Ayr

The ScotNats were marching for "independence" in Ayr this afternoon, but A Force For Good was there to remind them that Scotland said No to separation! We held a colourful counter-demonstration with our Union Flags on proud display. We will not allow the aggressive nationalist minority to dominate Scotland's streets.

Ayr is a Unionist town that voted No in 2014, so it's no surprise that the ScotNats had to bus in their supporters from across the country. We were proud to be able to stand up for the Silent Unionist Majority, and made sure to greet the ScotNats with our trademark display of Red, White & Blue as they marched past! We're taking on the Nats across Scotland this Summer. As Scotland's leading pro-UK campaign group, our counter-demonstrations are just part of our broad activism to Maintain the Union. If you value what we do but can't be with us on the streets, we welcome donations of any size so we can continue our campaign to Keep Scotland British.

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