John Provan
Mar 11, 20239 min read
Prophetic Unionism, and the 1603 Union of the Crowns
How Arthurian and Biblical themes helped to forge a British Identity at the 1603 Union of the Crowns.

John Provan
Feb 28, 202310 min read
Advocating a Union of the British Isles, in 1605
We highlight David Hume of Godscroft's powerful advocacy of British Unionism, way back in 1605.

John Provan
Feb 14, 20239 min read
Thomas Craig's Radical Vision of British Union
The Union of the Crowns was an opportunity for a united Britain "harboured in prosperity and security".

John Provan
Feb 12, 20239 min read
The Happy and Blessed Union
We examine the ideas of John Russell, a Scottish advocate for political, economic, and social union in 1604.

John Provan
Feb 7, 20239 min read
A Plan for Amity and Equity
Or Amitie and Aequitie as this 1604 advocate for a united Britain would say!

Alistair McConnachie
May 23, 20224 min read
"The Happy Connection of Two so Mighty Nations"
An important unionist document from James VI speaking of the Imperial Crown of Britain.

Alistair McConnachie
Mar 24, 20206 min read
British Unionism: The Union of the Crowns, 24th March
We're on a mission to make this important day better known - 24 March 1603 - when James VI of Scots became King of Great Britain.