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2,672 at Ayr AUOB March, 6-7-19

AFFG Reporter

A Force For Good was in Ayr today, flying the Red, White and Blue high and making sure that the SNP-supporting-and-endorsed march knew that there were people in Ayr who support Britain and being British!

Thank you to everyone who joined our Thin Red Line for an exciting and enjoyable day!

Our message was simply: We're British, we love the UK, and we want us to stay together!

As always, our vital work included filming and counting them accurately. AUOB lies deliberately in order to give the appearance of greater strength and to demoralise unionists. We do not let them get away with that deception...and they hate us for it!

Our official count is now in and it is 2,672.

The march took 23 minutes and 30 seconds to pass our point.

Here is one of the videos which we took and from which we made our Count.

It begins when the Pipers pass us, and it ends when the police officers pass us.

We did not include any bikers in the 2,672 figure.

A Big Thank You to the "Honest Lads and Bonnie Lassies" of Ayr who Stood with us!

We had a strong counter-presence which put on a colourful display of Red, White & Blue!

AUOB Lies v AFFG Truth

A Force For Good is doing amazing work for the Union! There is nobody else who will, or could, do it. That's a fact.

Here's the accurate Tally which we've counted so far!

Ayr 6-7-19: AUOB said 13K: Actual Number 2,672

Oban 15-6-19: AUOB said 7K: Actual 1,757

Galashiels 1-6-19: AUOB said 5K: Actual 2,122

Glasgow 4-5-19: AUOB said 100K: Actual 8,796

Edinburgh 6-10-18: AUOB said 100K: Actual 12,789

Dundee 18-8-18: AUOB said 16K: Actual 3,538

Inverness 28-7-18: AUOB said 14K: Actual 3,386

Let's keep pushing these facts around - Sharing and ReTweeting - because it is vital for us to reveal their lies in this way.

There are 5 more this year, 2019, and we'll be at them all – funding permitting. Next up is Campbeltown on 27th July. We also use these events to build our activist network throughout Scotland. This is crucial work. Anyone who can help us at the following (all Saturdays), please contact us!

Campbeltown - 27 July

Aberdeen - 17 August

Dunfermline 31 August ('Forward as One' group)

Perth - 7 September

Edinburgh - 5 October

By telling the truth about the numbers on these marches, we have undermined the lying intentions of AUOB, who had hoped that their ridiculous exaggerations would be accepted without question!

We have seriously confounded their deceptive strategy!

So, if you appreciate our work, then we need your help to keep doing it!

Please chip-in what you can today to ensure we can "keep up the good work" all summer long!

Monthly Union Supporter from as little as £5 here> "Yes, I want to Help You Monthly"

We are so grateful for the help we receive!

Our Count Protocol

1- We count every adult on the road (unless they are simply crossing over the road)

2- Our presumption is always to be generous. We do not want to under-estimate. For example, if we can't tell if it is 1 or 2 people behind a flag, we go with 2. If we can't tell if it is 3 or 4, we go with 4, and so on.

3- We count people on the pavement only if they are clearly part of the march, such as dressed for the occasion/carrying a flag.

4- No children who look 14 or under are counted, since they are only there because their parents have brought them along. However, the video evidence usually shows that there are only a few of them anyway, so if you want to count them in too, you will find it doesn't make much difference to the overall figure.

5- The handful of Marshals standing next to AFFG, are added in.

6- We will indicate whether our figure includes the "Bikers", which depends on whether they travel past us.

Counting Tips

We count the entire march, head by head. You can do so too by occasionally pausing the video.

If you simply want to confirm that we are in the approximate ballpark, then here is what you can do: You can count several 1 minute periods at the beginning, middle and end of the march, find an average and multiply it by the number of minutes which the march lasts.

We don't expect anyone to get the exact figure which we counted, but everyone will find it is in our ballpark.

We know that AUOB are lying about their numbers. If you are a journalist, there is a story here! Please expose their lies. This website has several pages documenting their false numbers which you are free to use.

Finally, please share this page on social media! Let's get the truth out before more AUOB lies take hold! And remember, we need your assistance if we are to keep up this good work...Thank you!

Monthly Union Supporter from as little as £5 here> "Yes, I want to Help You Monthly"

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