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We Get Humza Yousaf Telt!

Alistair McConnachie

Our "Free Speech Rules: Get Humza Out" counter-rally on Saturday 20th April 2024 in George Square, Glasgow, was one of the most successful events that A Force For Good has held in the 12 years of our existence, and that is definitely saying something, because we've been knocking it out the park since we were formed on 21 March 2012!


A Scottish Nationalist group called "[Make] Believe in Scotland" organised a march to the Square (we counted them in at 1,743 - as you can see from our video here) and then held a rally for 2 hours.

It was the perfect opportunity to "Get Humza Telt".


It was the perfect opportunity to tell him that his new "Hate Speech" law is not needed, not wanted, and must be repealed!

A big Thank You to the over-200 people, from a variety of political points of view, who came along to give Humza Yousaf a piece of their mind!

Thanks also to our speakers on the day.

Above: Nick Mitchell from the WeSayItPodcast.

and Dr Alan McManus, below, from the Freedom Alliance.


It was a beautiful day, and the atmosphere in the Square was noisy, but both sides were able to inter-mingle in a civil manner.


Humza was the last speaker from Make Believe in Scotland, and when he came on, he got our message loud and clear, as you can see from this video!

We held flags from all parts of the United Kingdom, including Welsh Dragons, several St George Flags, and Ulster flags.

We colourised the Square, there is no doubt about that!

Below, organiser, Alistair McConnachie of A Force For Good.


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We also broadcast our 1-hour show "Good Evening Britain" on Wednesday night on these platforms from 7-8pm, and we publish it also as an audio Podcast version across 14 platforms.


If you like what we do, and if you like that we fly all the British flags on the Streets of Scotland, then please help us to keep doing it:


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