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Scaredy Cat Sturgeon and Free Speech

Alistair McConnachie

Scaredy Cat Sturgeon Pic AFFG 14-11-18

On Wednesday 14 November 2018, six of our activists were outside the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. We were there from 12.30-3pm to protest the non-appearance of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Over the course of the event, our Founder, Alistair McConnachie, delivered a 30-minute speech, 3 times, based on the following notes. The next day The Times ran a report which included a mention of our banner and a quote from Alistair.


Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Alistair McConnachie, Founder and Director of pro-UK Street Campaigning and Advocacy organisation, A Force For Good.

And we are here today to express our disappointment that our First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has not turned up to this event.

She was scheduled to speak but pulled out because she didn't like the fact that a former adviser of President Trump, Steve Bannon, was speaking.

We are here to express our disappointment in her behaviour; to lament the fact that she does not have the courage of her convictions, nor it appears, the intellectual capability to engage with the issues which are being brought to the table, simply because she disagrees with the person who says them.

And we are protesting the fact that at the end of the day, Nicola Sturgeon's only response has been to run away and hide.

That's why we're calling her a 'Scaredy Cat'!


And you know, she couched her excuse in the usual tiresome virtue-signalling which we've become accustomed to when she said, "I believe passionately in free speech...but..."

There's always a "but", isn't there!

It seems Nicola 'Scaredy Cat' Sturgeon is one of these people who will claim to "believe passionately in free speech", up to the point when she realises that some people use their free speech to say...whatever they like!

Scaredy Cat Sturgeon is one of these people who "believes passionately in free speech" up to the point when she realises that some people are using their free speech to say...things she disagrees with.

She is one of those people who "believes passionately in free speech" up to the point when she realises that some people are using their free speech to say...the wrong things!

She is one of those people who believes "passionately in free speech" up to the point when she realises that some people are using their free speech to say...things she doesn't have an answer for.

Oh my, then it seems, she doesn't believe in free speech so very much.

At that point, she has to complain that people are using their free speech to "normalise" things she disagrees with, that she thinks is wrong, that she doesn't have an answer for.

At that point, her modus operandi is to run for the hills and hide behind her usual, tiresome, sanctimonious, virtue signalling.

But we see through her. We have the measure of her.

We know she doesn't want to think about the issues which are being brought to the table here today, much less talk about them, much less debate them.

And she certainly doesn't have an answer for them!

All she can do is run away, and cover her back with her usual virtue-signalling nonsense.

In this Remembrance Week, it makes us wonder how she would have behaved in WW2.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill:

"She shall virtue signal on the beaches. She shall virtue signal on the landing grounds. She shall virtue signal in the fields and in the streets. She shall virtue signal in the hills. She shall always...virtue signal!"

She shall always...advocate a political point from a position of vanity, intended to demonstrate her conformity with the fashionable values of the political and media elite.

But we see through her.

She is a Scaredy Cat who does not have the intellectual fortitude to address the matters which people are bringing to the table, at this venue today.

A Scaredy Cat who has no response, and no answers, to the important issues of our day; which are being raised by people in there.

Alistair McConnachie colour-coordinated with Post Box. Pic AFFG 14-11-18

And we must say, Congratulations to News Xchange – the organisers of this event – for allowing these issues to be debated! The organisers of this event are not scared of free speech.

But it is a shame that the First Minister of Scotland is so afraid.


And what is it that Scaredy Cat Sturgeon disagrees with so strongly that she doesn't have the courage to turn up today?

You know, the things that she is afraid of are not even – at least should not be – controversial!

The person she disapproves of will be speaking this afternoon on the concept of "Representation".

According to the Agenda, he'll be addressing media matters related to the questions:

"Are we relevant to our audiences? Do we look like them? Sound like them? Do we come from the same places? Do we share their perspectives? Do we understand their challenges?"

Perhaps it is those questions which frighten Scaredy Cat Sturgeon!

She knows she often does not 'share the audience's perspectives' nor 'understand their challenges'.

For example, she doesn't want to get into discussing why over one million people in Scotland voted against the combined powers of the entire Scottish political and media establishment, and voted for Brexit.

She doesn't want to get into talking about why they did that!

She doesn't want to talk about the awkward issues which the Brexit vote raised. She doesn't want to acknowledge the reasons why so many people in Scotland, 2 out of 5 voters, went against the establishment view, and voted for Brexit.

Think about it? Have you ever heard Scaredy Cat Sturgeon, or any SNP MSP or MP considering why people voted for Brexit?

No. It appears, our First Minister has contempt for the...over one million people in Scotland... who voted for Brexit.

She doesn't want to speak about them!

She doesn't 'share their perspectives'. She does not 'understand their challenges'.

She doesn't want to acknowledge that they even exist!

She certainly doesn't want to accept that they may have a valid point of view.

Scaredy Cat Sturgeon doesn't want to acknowledge that she, and the entire Scottish political and media elite are, indeed, out of touch with many people on certain issues.

So it's little wonder that she ran a mile when she heard that there was going to be someone here today who would challenge her incoherency.

So that is enough said about Nicola Scaredy Cat Sturgeon's inability and unwillingness to be here today.

Now, let's look at what else is on the Agenda at this Conference.


Part of the Agenda is to consider the problem of Fake News, and quote "look at how news organizations feel the need to double down on neutrality and quality." They're going to "go behind the scenes of a major mainstream news agency to look at fact-checking." ("Where does Fact-Checking Come in? Is it Effective?", Phil Chetwynd, Thursday, 11:45am to 12:10 pm)

We have to presume this "major mainstream news agency" is not located in Scotland because the major mainstream Scottish media certainly has a problem with reporting Fake News.

For example, our organisation A Force For Good attends all the SNP/ScotNat marches and we film them and count the numbers on it.

The true numbers, versus the reported numbers are always a fraction of what the Scottish media is telling us!

For example, the entire Scottish media said 100,000 Scottish Nationalists marched here in Edinburgh on 6 October. A Force For Good was there. We were standing for the Union, waving and flags and speaking to them, but we also filmed them and counted them in at 12,789.

We contacted every major media outlet in Scotland with the true facts, along with our video evidence and our counting protocol. They all got the facts loud and clear!

But not a single one of them reported the truth. They went with the SNP/Scottish Nationalist lie. They went with the propaganda. They went with the Fake News.

Not a single news organisation in Scotland was prepared to report the truth. They all went with the SNP propaganda, and that's a very serious political matter.

The Scottish mainstream media is involved in manufacturing Fake News when it consistently and deliberately exaggerates the size of the SNP/Scottish Nationalist marches.

It has no need to do this, because we provide them with the true evidence; but it seems the Scottish newspapers are scared of our organisation, A Force For Good.


They are scared of A Force For Good because our organisation has already brought down one national newspaper!

Back on 5th May, A Force For Good was flying our Union Jacks high as the SNP/ScotNat March passed by us on Union Street in Glasgow. The next day, the Sunday Herald, innocently used a photograph of us on the front page.

Now, all the Scottish papers are afraid of featuring A Force For Good, lest they too get boycotted!

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the power of our organisation A Force For Good.


We're protesting the fact that Nicola Sturgeon has not turned up today.

We're protesting the fact that she does not have the courage of her convictions, nor the intellectual capability, to engage with the issues which are being brought to the table by people she disagrees with.

We're protesting the fact that she cannot tell us why she disagrees with such people, and we have to conclude it is because she doesn't want to think about, much less talk about, much less debate, things for which she has no answer!

We're protesting the fact that Nicola Sturgeon has run away, and hidden from the matters under discussion. That is not behaviour worthy of our First Minister.

We're protesting the fact that she prefers to virtue signal instead of making the effort!

And we are not going to let Nicola Scaredy Cat Sturgeon run to the hills, and try to take the moral high ground, covering her tracks with tiresome virtue signalling, in order to excuse her intellectual incapacity, fear of debate, and unwillingness to engage with the important issues which are being brought to the table.

We're exposing Nicola 'Scaredy Cat' Sturgeon!

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Scaredy Cat Sturgeon. Pic AFFG 14-11-18.

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