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We Took on the Nats in Edinburgh!

Our brave activists were out on the streets taking on the Nats once again. We were proud to stand up for Scotland's Silent Unionist Majority and to greet the Nat marchers with a colourful display of Red, White & Blue.

We will never stop reminding the Nats that Scotland is British, and voted to stay part of our United Kingdom!

Check out the pictures of our brave volunteers in action:

LIKE WHAT WE DID IN EDINBURGH TODAY? We hold the Thin Red Line for the Union at these Nationalist marches. We believe it is vital that we do not allow the Nats to intimidate us like they did during the referendum.

Our trademark counter-demos are just one part of our broad pro-UK activism. As a leading unionist campaign group, we rely on our ordinary supporters to allow us to do what we do. If street activism isn't for you, you can support us by becoming a Union Supporter. We're looking for 200 Union Supporters to put us on a sustainable financial footing so we can continue to take on the Nats and do our bit to Maintain the Union.

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