AFFG Reveals Glasgow Number: 314

The ScotNat/SNP March in Glasgow today which included several prominent members of "All Under One Banner" (AUOB) and SNP supporters and even an SNP MP, was a complete flop even by the standards of complete flops!
21 supporters of AFFG held our Thin Red Line.
You can watch the (short) video on our Facebook page here.
We stood against this particular march last year in Glasgow on 16 September 2017.
Back then, it took 11 minutes to pass.
But this year it took precisely 2 mins and 9 secs to pass our counting point
And the count is in...not that it took us very long!
As usual, we did not include any children under the age of 14. Amazingly, some "parents" are still bringing their hapless poor children to these events, although in this case, it appears mercifully, that there were only a handful.
As we actually said on video, above, it was the shortest march in the history of short marches!
As usual, we will upload the video of the passing march to YouTube in the next 36 hours.
We had prepared some stuff on paper and in our head to say...but the quote/unquote "march" was so short we didn't even get into any of it any substantial sense.
The "march" organisers had put on an edited screening of the film "Braveheart" in George Square, from 10am. We made reference to it in our address.
So...just so it doesn't go to waste, here is the crux of it, some of which we managed to say>
Notes begin>
Enjoy your walk up Argyle Street, named in honour of the Great British Unionist, the 3rd Duke of Argyll, who was a big supporter of the Union of 1707.
Enjoy your march up Queen Street, named after Queen Charlotte, wife of the George III, a man who loved the idea of "being British" and after whom George Square was named.
In the Square, take a minute to look at the Cenotaph, which is particularly poignant today.
Because today, September 15th, is the UK-wide "Battle of Britain Day".
Today is the official day to take a moment to remember the pilots who fought at the Battle of Britain between 1939 and 1940.
On this day we remember those pilots of the Royal Air Force, and the Empire, Commonwealth and Allied Forces who protected Great Britain between 1939 and 1940 and the Aircrew and civilians who were killed during that conflict.
[We were holding a Commonwealth Flag in our group].
It was on this day, in 1940 that the German Air Force launched its largest and most concentrated attack against London in the hope of destroying the RAF in aerial combat.
On this day, Battle of Britain Day, we also remember the commander of the RAF during that time – the renowed Scotsman Sir Hugh Dowding, from Moffat, of whom it has been said that: "To him, the people of Britain and of the Free World owe largely the way of life and the liberties they enjoy today."
(The epitaph, on his statue outside St Clement Danes church in the Strand, the RAF church.)
And of whom it has been said, "was responsible more than any one man for the successful defence of Great Britain in 1940."
(Westminster Abbey website)
So while we don't mind being entertained by fictional movies about wars in the 13th century, and fictional Scotsmen of the 13th century, we as Unionists are more concerned about remembering the real life sacrifices of those Scots and British...within our living memory...who fought to defend our United Kingdom and all its people.
We're more concerned about remembering the sacrifices of those who enabled you...and us... to do what we are doing today.
You know, a lot of us love that line about "Freedom" that Mel Gibson likes to shout about...
But the truth is that the Freedom he speaks about has already been won for us.
It was won for us at events like the Battle of Britain! The official day of which we remember today!
That Freedom won, is ours, today!
We don't need Mel Gibson to tell us to be free.
Scotland is free, already...right here, right now.
Scotland is free, right now, to self-determine its own destiny.
And Scotland does so, and has done so.
Scotland has self-determined to be an important part of the United Kingdom; to be part of the Union; to keep Great Britain together!
We are Free today and we had a Free choice when we voted in the 2014 Referendum.
And back in September 2014, Scotland said the United Kingdom.
Scotland said unity, and no to division, in our Islands.
And Scotland will always say Yes to unity on our Islands.
Scotland said Yes to solidarity, and no to separation, among all the British people – throughout Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales – united as one, All Under One Banner – the Banner of the Union Jack – created by the Great Scotsman King James VI himself!
And Scotland will always say Yes to solidarity among all the British people.
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