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ScotNats Keep Lying about Dundee Numbers

Alistair McConnachie

AFFG Activists in Dundee 18-8-18

We sent the following letter to the Dundee Courier on 21 August 2018. Unfortunately, it was not published. So here it is>

Dear Sir

We were disappointed to read the claim in your paper ("Restaurant staff abused in wake of indy march", 21 Aug) that "Police estimate 16,000 people took part in the All Under One Banner march" in Dundee. The fact is that Tayside Police has released no official estimation. The only people to "estimate" 16K is the AUOB people themselves, and their supporters, the SNP MPs Stewart Hosie and Chris Law. The only political group to offer an exact count and also offer publicly-accessible video evidence, is our pro-UK organisation "A Force For Good". We met the Scottish Nationalists at the corner of Reform Street on Saturday. We spoke to them about the importance of solidarity over division, while we proudly flew our Union Jack of Unity. Anyone can watch our video of the passing march. Simply google, "AFFG Counts Dundee March: 3,538".

[Here it is...]

We challenge any reader to count the marchers for themselves. You may not come to exactly the same figure of 3,538, but you won't come to more! It is high time that the Scottish media stop listening to the obvious exaggerations of the Scottish Nationalists. Thankfully, we are here to reveal their propaganda lies.

Yours faithfully

Alistair McConnachie

Secretary and Director


It is increasingly clear that the only source for accurate figures at these ScotNat marches is now our organisation, A Force For Good.

Anyone who wants to join us on the street should contact us. We'll get back to you and keep you in the picture.

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