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AFFG Reveals Number at Dundee March: 3,538

A Force For Good videoed the ScotNat Marchers today in Dundee from a unique vantage point, from above. Our beady eye spotted every single one of them on their March and we counted them too. The number is in. And that number is 3,538. That number includes Marshalls, including those who stood in front of us! It does not include Bikers. (We don’t know how many there were of them. They were not allowed to traverse the pedestrianised area of the march). It does not include children who looked 14 or younger, of whom there were – we are happy to say – very few indeed! In fact, it was noticeable in this March that there were very few parents enlisting their hapless children as political props in the manner that so many of them have often tended to do. This Dundee March lasted for 32 minutes.

You can watch the raw video footage that we took here. The march begins at 1.22 and passes our counting point at 33.18, with frequent hold-ups.

We also counted the Marchers in Inverness on 28 July. That March had 3,386 and lasted 42 minutes. You can watch our video of that one here: This March in the “Yes City” of Dundee only managed 170 more people! It passed 10 minutes quicker because it was on a wider street. This says to us that their movement is not able to generate momentum, and is declining. Their next March is in Dunfermline on 1st September. It will be interesting to count them too. We are guessing it will be considerably fewer. Then there is Glasgow on 15th September. Will that even last for 15 minutes, let alone 32mins? We doubt it. Then there is their March in Edinburgh on 6th October. We will be there, of course. And please stand with us! If you like what we do, then please step up. We need you! Contact us and tell us you want to stand with us via our Contact Form

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