John Provan
- Mar 12
- 12 min
Scottish Desire for Union 1707: Unionist Opposition
Opposition to the Union of 1707 was often an intra-unionist conversation on different versions of union.
John Provan
- Feb 27
- 9 min
Scottish Desire for Union 1707: George Mackenzie
A British Unionist who campaigned for a full Union, and warned of the dangers of federalism.
Alistair McConnachie
- Feb 17
- 17 min
The Britishness of Scotland: A Speech by Alistair McConnachie
Alistair McConnachie on the Britishness of Scotland and the Scottishness of Britain.
Alistair McConnachie
- Sep 2, 2023
- 3 min
3,989 at SNP Pro-EU March and Rally in Edinburgh
We film and count 3,989 on the SNP/Green pro-EU march in Edinburgh 2 Sept 2023
Alistair McConnachie
- Jul 9, 2023
- 13 min
The Honours of Scotland and the British Monarchy
We discover the history and meaning of the Honours of Scotland, and their role in the British Monarchy.
Alistair McConnachie
- Jun 4, 2023
- 27 min
A Unionist Eye on Labour's Proposals to Devolve More Powers, and Abolish the Lords
Our 7,000 word analysis examines Gordon Brown and the Labour Party's devo plans.
John Provan
- Mar 11, 2023
- 9 min
Prophetic Unionism, and the 1603 Union of the Crowns
How Arthurian and Biblical themes helped to forge a British Identity at the 1603 Union of the Crowns.
Alistair McConnachie
- Mar 5, 2023
- 8 min
Referendums which Rejected Independence
We bust the SNP myth that "no nation ever voted against its own indy" and we list the countries which did exactly that!
John Provan
- Feb 28, 2023
- 10 min
Advocating a Union of the British Isles, in 1605
We highlight David Hume of Godscroft's powerful advocacy of British Unionism, way back in 1605.
John Provan
- Feb 14, 2023
- 9 min
Thomas Craig's Radical Vision of British Union
The Union of the Crowns was an opportunity for a united Britain "harboured in prosperity and security".