Alistair McConnachie
Mar 19, 20243 min read
Queen Anne's Hopes for the Union
A solid foundation of lasting peace to increase strength, riches, and trade, and enabled to resist all its enemies.

John Provan
Mar 12, 202412 min read
Scottish Desire for Union 1707: Unionist Opposition
Opposition to the Union of 1707 was often an intra-unionist conversation on different versions of union.

John Provan
Feb 27, 20249 min read
Scottish Desire for Union 1707: George Mackenzie
A British Unionist who campaigned for a full Union, and warned of the dangers of federalism.

Alistair McConnachie
Feb 26, 202416 min read
A History of Immigration to Britain
Our history tells us that immigration levels today are an abnormality. Here's the exact figures!

Alistair McConnachie
Feb 17, 202417 min read
The Britishness of Scotland: A Speech by Alistair McConnachie
Alistair McConnachie on the Britishness of Scotland and the Scottishness of Britain.

John Provan
Feb 11, 20246 min read
John Knox's Unionism of Monarchy and Faith
We highlight Knox's desire for Scotland and England to join together through a shared monarchy and faith.

Alistair McConnachie
Jul 9, 202313 min read
The Honours of Scotland and the British Monarchy
We discover the history and meaning of the Honours of Scotland, and their role in the British Monarchy.

John Provan
Mar 11, 20239 min read
Prophetic Unionism, and the 1603 Union of the Crowns
How Arthurian and Biblical themes helped to forge a British Identity at the 1603 Union of the Crowns.

Alistair McConnachie
Mar 5, 20238 min read
Referendums which Rejected Independence
We bust the SNP myth that "no nation ever voted against its own indy" and we list the countries which did exactly that!

John Provan
Feb 28, 202310 min read
Advocating a Union of the British Isles, in 1605
We highlight David Hume of Godscroft's powerful advocacy of British Unionism, way back in 1605.