We're Crowdfunding!

'Tis the Season of Goodwill and Generosity, and if you feel like giving AFFG a Christmas present to say "Thank You" for all the fantastic info we've given you in 2018 - on our Website, Facebook and Twitter platforms - all the historical material, the political material, the funny stuff too; if you feel you've learned things from us, then here's your chance to show your appreciation.
If you like our physical action (and admire the courage of our activists), and if you want to see us keep doing it in 2019 (which is shaping up to be our busiest year yet), then remember...we can only "keep up the good work" with your help!
If you're unable to contribute monthly, but you can afford a 'one-off' donation, then now is your chance!
Ultimately, this is your opportunity to be part of what we do.
By contributing, you become part of our common effort. It's almost like you're standing with us in real life.
So, 1,200 pounds in 28 days? Can we do it? Time will tell, but we have every faith that Unionists in Scotland and throughout the UK will step up and keep us going into 2019.
It only takes 2 minutes, here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/maintain-the-union-2019
(Remember, we have no salaries, no rental costs and no debt.)
The unique thing about a public Crowdfunder is that it is transparent. Everyone can see how much is being given, and by how many people! It helps each person realise that we really do depend on each person alone. Your donation does make a difference and you can see that it does by the rising total!
Thank you so much for anything you can give at this time!