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12 Ways the New Prime Minister can Strengthen British Union

AFFG Activists in Ayr on 6-7-19 (Pic: AFFG)

If the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is looking for ways to strengthen the British Union he should start here. The titles in bold link directly to the articles which develop the point further. Alistair McConnachie is the author of these 12 articles.


We examine what is meant by the phrase "the devolution settlement"; why this particular form of "settlement" is wrong from a unionist perspective; and how it can be improved to properly reflect the true Unitary Nation-State nature of the United Kingdom.

There is only one Government in Britain, and that is the British Government of the whole of the United Kingdom. The administration at Holyrood was, and remains, a devolved arm of the British Parliament and Government. It has limited law-making powers and so the term "Executive" is appropriate because it stops well-short of the independent powers suggested by the word "Government".

Unionists cannot go into a second independence referendum with the combined forces of the Civil Service, paid for by the British Taxpayer, mounted against us again! We simply cannot compete with that power and expect to win. We outline what needs to happen here.

It represents the British Parliament in Scotland. Diminish it and you diminish the idea of Scotland having, and sharing, a wider British political structure.


This is basic! Westminster has a clear 3-fold mandate to forbid it. This will introduce stability into the Scottish economy, reassert the proper British Constitutional relationship and allow us all to get on with our lives.

This article deals with the particular Franchise which must be used if there were another separation referendum, otherwise we will be in trouble! And we show why the SNP is trying to change the Franchise to "residence-only". The way things stand at the moment, they only need 5% more of the vote! The time for complacency is long-passed! Check out our first article on the Referendum Process.

At a referendum, how the Ballot Paper is worded, and how the Question and Answer are worded, is undoubtedly worth several percentage points. It is no small matter. We examine how getting this right is absolutely crucial for us!

The situation at the moment where the UK can be destroyed by a mere 50% of the voters who happen to vote on the day, plus 1, is an unacceptable constitutional absurdity! Here we look at Referendum Thresholds with 6 worked examples.


We can strengthen the Union by maintaining and raising the profile of the British identity in Scotland; by building up Britishness! Here are some ideas.

The ScotNats wish for it to fail, but it will be successful, our unity will prevail, and Britain's future together is assured!

Excerpt: "The first thing to point out is that Federalism is not Unionism. It is not an 'alternative' to Unionism or Independence. It is a stepping stone to Separation...For our part, as Unionists, there is little point in the SNP losing Holyrood in 2021, only for a Labour/Lib Dem Coalition to start advocating Federalism – or in this case, basically even more 'Home Rule' powers for Holyrood!"


This is the twelfth article in our series "12 Ways to Strengthen the Union and Stop Scottish Separation". Our final point here is directed specifically towards each one of us. Here are some ways we, as individuals, can strengthen the Union and help keep Britain together.

Section 5: THE SPEECH

We brought all the above together, and summarised them in our Speech in Glasgow on 9 February 2019.

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