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AFFG Doorsteps Anti-British Sedition Centre

Alistair McConnachie

Alistair McConnachie outside the Sedition Centre in Cupar Pic: AFFG 30-11-18

We've known about the Sedition Centre in Cupar for several months now. It calls itself by the deliberately-deceptive name "The Crossgate Centre", as if it is just another "normal shop" in the Crossgate in Cupar, rather than the actual Anti-British SNP Propaganda Outlet which it is!

This group is so anti-British, it actually helped lead the charge against the separatist-supporting Sunday Herald, when that paper merely posted a photograph of our AFFG activists with Union Jacks on its front page!

That's how much they hate Britain. They actively campaigned to destroy their own Sunday Herald because it included a photograph of AFFG and our Union Jacks on its front page on 6 May 2018.

How mad is that! Here are a couple of their bonkers Tweets from that time...

Fanatical Tweet from the Sedition Centre

The paper was to eventually close down as a result of it being boycotted by fanatics such as these. We wrote about that here.

Another Fanatical Tweet from the Sedition Centre

We may have left them to their divisive devices if it were not for the fact that we spotted something they did last month, which really appalled us.

Before we get into that, let us just tell you how our day of activism went down. It was part of our "St Andrew's Day Weekend Tour of the Hubs of Hate" (the other one is in Kirkcaldy and we'll report on that tomorrow).


AFFG affixes a Poster to "council property". Pic AFFG 3-12-18

When we arrived outside the Sedition Centre, we immediately strapped our poster to a pole on the pavement.

One of the blokes in the Sedition Centre – who must live in one of the cupboards full-time – stuck his head and a leg out the door, while keeping his other foot firmly entrenched within the comfort of the shop.

He objected somewhat pathetically: "I think you'll find that's council property and there are by laws against fixing things to it."

That was so funny that all 3 of our activists laughed out loud.

He then warned, "The council is only a phone call away."

That was even funnier!

Was he actually threatening to call the council to come and give us a talking-to?

Unfortunately for him – as one of our activists pointed out – even if he had phoned the council, it would still have taken them 6 weeks to arrive!

Anyway, we started up on the megaphone – and he can be seen in the first video posted below, storming out the Sedition Centre in a mad strop at 3.49.

We then spoke for 15 minutes along the lines of our notes below.


Then, after we'd finished our first talk, and while we were waiting a little while before starting up on our main theme of being "Scottish and British" (see below), a Police Van with 4 officers arrived.

Yes, the Sedition Centre actually called the cops on us! So bothered were they by our peaceful presence on the pavement, that they called the Police.

One of our AFFG activists at the "scene of the Sedition Centre Emergency" Pic AFFG 30-11-18

4 officers piled out the van. They were friendly and professional and they wanted to know what was going on. We were happy to tell them, and they were happy for us to continue after we explained what we were doing and how long we would be.

They also spent some time inside the Sedition Centre speaking to The Bloke who Lives in the Cupboard, who had returned and was looking very hot and bothered by all the excitement.

What this told us was that the people inside the Sedition Centre have never had anyone do what we did. We had come as a complete surprise and shock to them. It seems they are so used to having everything their own way!

So what did they do last week, which so annoyed us?


SNP Propaganda Outlet boasts about exploiting little children's fascination with Christmas

On Saturday 24 November, Cupar had a Christmas Market ahead of the Christmas Light Switch On that evening. It was all very innocent stuff.

However, the innocence of the event was corrupted by the Sedition Centre which opened its doors, in order to welcome in little children who were being beguiled by the Santa Clause and Snowmen which the Centre had deliberately put up outside its doors.

This is an appalling political exploitation of young children – but it is entirely typical of the sort of behaviour these people engage in. They have no sense of decorum in such circumstances. They have no sense of what is appropriate to fair-minded people. They have no shame.

You know, using Santa Clause and the fascination that young children have with this time of year, in order deliberately to promote their Scottish independence cause is kind of creepy behaviour from adults.

These people are not 'Dr Barnardos'. They are not 'Save the Children'. This Sedition Centre is an aggressive Scottish nationalist political propaganda outlet that wants to destroy the United Kingdom.

What's that got to do with Santa Claus!

As we said outside their venue, in the first of our two videos of the day below:

"Sure, we can understand that these people believe in the fantasy of Scottish independence, so in a way it follows that they also believe in Santa Claus. And we know that the SNP MPs, and Santa Claus, do share a lot in common. After all...they're all Fat Blokes in Suits...with red faces!"

But seriously, AFFG was there on St Andrew's Day as part of our "St Andrew's Day Weekend Tour of the Hubs of Hate".

We were there to celebrate the fact that it was St Andrew's Day, and to remind this anti-British Centre of Sedition in particular, that if St Andrew were here today, and living in the United Kingdom, he would be Scottish and British, just like us (and not like them).


St Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter. He was a fisherman born in Galilee and, with his brother, they were Jesus's first disciples.

As far as Scotland is concerned, and according to legend, in 832 AD, Angus II led an army at Athelstaneford, East Lothian. Legend has it that he prayed that if victorious he would appoint St Andrew as the Patron Saint of Scotland. As if by magic, clouds are said to have formed prior to the battle in the shape of what was believed to be the Cross he was martyred on.

The Flag of Scotland – the St Andrew's Cross – is said to have been based upon that celestial incident.

As we stated outside the Sedition Centre...


Today, from our unionist perspective, St Andrew is not just the Patron Saint of Scotland, but he is also one of the British Saints.

In that sense, he belongs to all of Britain, along with St Patrick, St David and St George, regardless of where in the British Isles you live.

He is someone who can be celebrated and cherished by anyone who identifies as being British.

If you are from Northern Ireland, St Andrew is one of your British Saints too.

If you are from Wales then St Andrew is one of your British Saints too.

If you are from England then St Andrew is one of your British Saints too...because that is the Great thing about being British.

If you identify as British then you can identify with all the people, histories, and cultures, and institutions, throughout our Islands. They are part of our shared British identity too.

We have a shared British Inheritance which belongs to all those of us who identify as being British.

What a fantastic thing that is!

But you know, that wonderful and enriching sense of identity is not open to the people who inhabit this particular Sedition Centre.

The people who inhabit this particular Sedition Centre have a long history of posting anti-British venom on Facebook and Twitter.

They have a long and documented history of attacking the British nation, Britain's history and the British identity.

The people in this Sedition Centre are virulently opposed to the identity of Britishness and they actively campaign against it.

Think about that! They actively campaign against the identity of many of their fellows here in Scotland.

They do not acknowledge the British identity of many of their fellow Scots – even though we are still in the United Kingdom – and worse, they actively oppose it.

What on earth would they do to us if they ever got their way in a separated Scotland? It doesn't bare thinking about!

Well, we are happy to tell them that they will never get their way. Their cause will never succeed because it is not coming from a good spirit. It is coming from a bitter, divisive and angry spirit.

It is not coming from a spirit of love for their fellow man. It is not coming from a spirit which St Andrew would recognise.

And so if St Andrew came here today, and eventually became a British citizen, he would recognise the importance and value of what we are saying.

He would be on our side, the side of unity among all the people of Britain – the side of British unity – as represented by his St Andrew's Flag integrated and unified within the Union Jack; the Union Jack created by the Scotsman King Jack VI of Great Britain.

That's a message of unity that St Andrew would surely approve of!

Yes, indeed, St Andrew would not be on the side of those in that Sedition Centre who want to drive out the British identity.

St Andrew would definitely be a unionist, and he would love this Union Jack Flag as much as he would approve of the lovely Saltire too.

St Andrew would be Scottish and British if he were here today!


Our Second Broadcast of the Day

In the second of our two Facebook Live broadcasts (uploaded to our YouTube Channel UKaForceForGood below) we spoke about what exactly it means to be both Scottish and British. (Pic outside the Sedition Centre, with Police in the background.)

This was especially important because this Sedition Centre is one of the places which leads the anti-British charge on Social Media.

We spoke about how being Scottish and British is about valuing Unity over Division.

It is about Solidarity over Separation. It is recognising that Separation is an Aberration.

"It's about Sharing – as part of our own Identity – the histories, characters, cultures, institutions of everyone and everything throughout the length and breadth of the British Isles.

"It's about Experiencing as part of our Life – the emotions, the joys, the heartaches, the happiness, the sadness; the senses of success, of failure, of achievement; the problems, the challenges; of everyone throughout the length and breadth of our Islands."

We then listed our 10 Political Principles of being Scottish and British; what we at A Force For Good call the 10 Fundamentals of British Unionism, which we've published here.

We can't do this work without our small but growing band of "Union Supporters". These are the wonderful people who donate a minimum of £5 a month (£1.25 a week) to our work. We're looking for 200 of you (the same number of Highlanders on the Thin Red Line). If you can contribute, please do so here. And thank you!

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